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"Challenge yourself melting team" Aoleishi domestic marketing team - Outward Bound Movement

Hits:1289 Author: Date:2014-06-19

"Challenge yourself melting team"
                   ------- Aoleishi domestic marketing team

2011 is an important year Aoleishi domestic sales, the formation and expansion of domestic marketing team, in order to better service agents and distributors around the country, to better meet their sales, expand the "Ao Leishi ware "ware industry sales in the domestic influence.
March 31 is a day full of meaning, the company organized a one-day field training. Through training colleagues to promote mutual teamwork, to understand the importance of teamwork, facing difficulties, the courage to challenge, through cooperation between each other to overcome difficulties and their passion is worth a superior team.

Aoleishi Ware domestic marketing team photo


Colleagues working in a team game

Colleagues working in a team game

Colleagues working in a team game

Colleagues working in a team game

Colleagues working in a team game

Members are happy to accept punishment




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